How to Help Your Child Enjoy Science
When it comes to science, you probably love it or hate it… meaning, you might have a visceral reaction to the subject based on how you felt about it as a child.
Science was never one of my favorite subjects growing up. I preferred reading, writing, and history.
I found it so much easier to understand things that have happened in everyday life versus the abstract concepts science describes.
But, thankfully there are lots of ways to make science more interesting and even enjoyable for kids.
Here are some tips for helping your child enjoy science outside the classroom, so she can excel in her studies while she’s in the classroom.
Make it tangible.
Science is about theories, and classifications, and describing parts of the world we can't see with the naked eye.
When you and your child get involved in hands-on activities and experiments, it helps make scientific concepts understandable.
Your child can take ownership of a concept, use his problem-solving abilities, and explore possible solutions, all while learning more about the world around him.
Point it out.
We're surrounded by nature and material objects that illustrate scientific concepts. Take a family walk and point out the types of clouds in the sky (even if you have to Google it first!). Collect leaves and try to identify which kinds of trees they're from. Discuss weather changes and the climate where your family lives.
Explore together.
Don't be afraid to tell your child that you don't know something; instead, learn the answers together. Ask questions and discuss possible answers before you look it up; this helps your child develop the ability to hypothesize and think creatively.
Also, try to find out what your child is most interested in when it comes to science. Learning about what she's already interested in will help her be more open to learning about other concepts.
Use online resources.
Visit websites like Science Buddies,, and School of Dragons for experiment and activity ideas.
And don't forget to have fun!
Take care,
merka family
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