Overcoming Academic Challenges with One-on-One Encouragement

It can be so hard to know how to help a child who’s struggling academically. Do they simply not like a particular subject? Is there something more serious going on? No matter what your child is struggling with, one-on-one encouragement and help can be a significant step in solving the problem. Tutoring can make all the difference, and you can fill that role as a parent even if formal tutoring isn’t an option.

Here are a few tips to help our child or student make progress in that difficult subject or skill they’re struggling with:

    1. Identify the exact problem. Does your child have an actual learning disability? This will probably require a professional assessment. Are they struggling with a particular motor skill, such as handwriting (this may or may not indicate an actual learning disability)? Do they just have a hard time with one subject in particular? To get your child the best help for them, it’s important to differentiate between a true disorder and a temporary academic struggle. Also, consider whether the child may be affected by any mental health issues or external stressors (parental divorce, illness, etc.).
    2. Target a solution for success. If it’s a learning disability, they may need targeted, professional help. If it’s a fine motor skill they’re struggling to learn (like handwriting), there may be specific tools and resources you can use to help them gain dexterity. If it’s a difficult subject, you can work with them to both enjoy it more and figure out what makes it so difficult for them. If your child is going through a stressful time, consider counseling or therapy.
    3. Be willing to make adjustments as you go along, depending on the progress your child is making. If the plan or resources you’ve chosen aren’t helping, try something different, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from your child’s teacher or other support figures.
    4. Stay positive.Your child may get frustrated and overwhelmed at the challenges they’re facing. You can be a calm, steady source of support, even though the situation is difficult for you, too. Depending on the severity of your child’s problems, you might seek counseling for yourself, or spend time talking to a friend or family member to help you process the situation.
    5. Don’t do the work for your child; encourage them to master a difficult subject themselves. It can be hard to let your child struggle or fail, but once you’ve identified the source of their struggle and have a plan in place to help, give it time and let your child gain mastery over his or her challenges without jumping in to fix it for them. This will them grow in confidence and a sense of personal achievement.

One-on-one help is one of the best ways to help your child overcome any learning difficulties they have. We’re here to support parents and teachers on your journey!

Take care,

merka family



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