Winter Science Experiments Your Kids Will Love
Winter doesn't have to be boring or a drag. Try some of these fun winter science experiments. They will have fun and learn a thing or two at the same time.
I love seasonal science experiments. I try to do at least one seasonal experiment for each season throughout the year. Learning about seasons is fun! Here are a few science experiments to give a try.
How Do Arctic Animals Stay Warm?
Are your kids interested in arctic animals? I Can Teach My Child created a fascinating project to show children how these animals stay warm in such frigid environments.
In this experiment, kids dip their hands into ice-cold warm. Then, they use Crisco and coat their gloves. After, kids dip their homes back into the ice-cold water. the Crisco acts like "blubber" or the layer of fat/skin. Most kids will feel a difference!
Instant Ice: Winter Science Experiment
If you want a wow factor and something that happens quickly, your kids will love this experiment by Raising Lifelong Learners. It does take some planning because the water has to really cold in order for it work. All you need is water bottles, ice cubes, a small bowl, and a towel. You'll make a column of frozen ice!
Crystal Snowflake Ornaments
Every kid loves to make crystal snowflakes! When the snowflakes are flying outside, it's time to make your own inside. This experiment by Little Bins for Little Hands uses borax, which you can find with your laundry detergent in the store, and water to create snowflakes on pipe cleaners.
Candy Cane Experiment
Candy canes may be for Christmas, but I daresay they're delicious any time of the year. Growing a Jeweled Rose shows us an awesome and easy experiment to put together for your kids to see what substances dissolve a candy cane. Make sure your kids first make their hypothesis to practice the scientific method.
Make a Snowball Launcher - Winter STEM activity
You'll be the coolest parent ever with this fun experiment! It's best done with styrofoam balls instead. You need a balloon, a hot glue gun with glue sticks, a small plastic cup, and sytrofoam balls. This experiment is a great STEM activity that helps your child learn some engineering skills. Thanks Little Bins for Little Hands!